20+ Free Golf Scorecard Templates (PDF, Word, Excel)

A Golf scorecard template is used to track the scores of your golf practice. If you want to improve your game, then a golf scorecard is the best way to record the statistics of your game and measure the progress of your golf game. Browse our collection to get well-designed golf scorecard templates that are available in different formats like PDF, Word, and other that work for you. Below you can see complete guidelines of the golf scorecard template that helps you to understand it efficiently.

What is a Golf Scorecard?

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A Golf scorecard is used to record your score that you achieve in the golf game to track your progress. It is one of the best ways to track your scores in a golf game and measure your progress for improvements. The scorecard is usually filled out by the marker or scorer, the person who puts your scores on it. A golfer always tried to put the ball into the hole with minimum strokes. Golf courses typically contain the 18 holes; the first 9 holes are standard, it may be for 18 holes when it is played twice. Golfer put the ball on the tee; tee is a small equipment that is a little high from the ground where the ball is placed for the first stroke of the ball.

You can download free golf scorecard templates that are printable and available in Doc, PPT, and PDF formats. On the scorecard, the minimum score is way better than the highest one, put your ball in the hole, and count the number of strokes a golfer takes to put the ball in the hole. It usually provides the information of a course that the golf player completed and some statistics that used to improve your games. If you want to get all the information about your course on a scorecard, then you should select the best scorecard that contains all the key components to record your scores.

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Understanding things included in the Golf Scorecard

Golf games give you amazing health benefits. If you are playing the golf game just for fun and doing practice to become an expert in this, then it is essential to record your score for improvements and understanding the things about it. You can also see the sample or example of a golf scorecard in different formats to understand it more efficiently. Below we share some details about the golf game and scoring terms that help you to understand the golf scorecard easily. 


There are different numbers of holes in golf courses. Some courses have short holes to play golf, but most of the courses use 8 or more holes to play golf. When the golfer plays twice, then it will be 18. The hole number on the scorecard shows which hole was played by the golfer. The marker or scorer enters the score that the golfer achieves for that particular hole number.


The handicap or stroke index present the difficulty of each hole in the golf game; hence it is ranging from 1 to 18. The handicap is associated with the hole; for example, if a hole has 1 handicap, then it means it is the easiest hole in the course, and if a hold has a handicap, then it is considered the hardest to put the ball in it.


The par section of the scorecard is related to the number of strokes that the player takes to put the ball in the hole. It is an expected number of strokes that a golfer takes to complete a hole. A par in a golf course between 70 to 72 is considered the best.


Yardage is the distance between tee and green. There are different yardage options for each hole. The colors and numbers beneath the hole number indicate the distance of that hole from the player’s ball.

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Symbols on scorecard

Different symbols must be understood by the golfer or maker to put the accurate numbers on the scorecard. In our collection, you can find blank disc scorecard templates to record your golf score. Some basic symbols on golf scorecard are as follows:

  • No symbol represents the par on a golf scorecard 
  • Circle represent the Birdie; it shows one stroke under par on the hole
  • Solid circle represent the Eagle; it shows the two-stroke under par
  • Square represents the bogey, a stroke over the par on the hole. 
  • The solid square represents the double bogey; it shows the two strokes over par on the hole.

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Health benefits of golf game

There are significant benefits of golf, some of these are as follows:

  • Golf is a physical game that helps to control your blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • It is the best way to reduce weight, and it also helps you to reduce your stress.
  • Physical games make your joints, muscles, and bones strong.
  • It is also helpful to maintain your physical and mental health.

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