22+ Free Taxi (Cab) Receipt Templates (PDF, Word)

Cab receipts are issued by the cab drivers to their passengers that contain the information of the ride that the passenger has. The cab receipt template is filled out by the driver, which is given to the passenger after the payment of the fare. You can download free cab receipt templates in DOC, PDF and Excel formats. These printable taxi receipts are easy to use and helpful for the drivers to keep the record of their whole day activities efficiently.

Download Free Cab Receipt Templates

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Every day, thousands of people travel from one place to another by cab or taxi. The cab or Taxi driver issues a receipt after the payment of the cab fare. It usually contains information like the rider name, name of the taxi driver, name of the cab company, fare amount, mileage, contact details of a cab driver, and other essential information. Once the driver reaches the passenger to the place where he wants to go, then you receive a printed cab receipt that contains the vital information about this trip.

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It works as an essential document to claim fare expenses when you go out for a business trip from your company. You can get free taxi cab receipt templates that are well-formatted and available in different formats. It is the best way to promote your taxi service; clients can recall the cab to use the service and also helpful for the passengers to connect the cab driver if they forgot some valuable things like luggage, cell phone, and wallet in the taxi. The cab driver keeps a copy of the receipt that he issued to the passenger, helping to prevent any disputes arising from this trip.

Things to include in Cab Receipt 

Nowadays, receipts are used in every business. You can get all the advantages of a receipt if it contains all the components that make it useful. The essential things that must be included in every cab taxi receipt are as follows:

  1. Passenger’s name: The name of the person who uses your cab service.
  2. Company name: It should include the name of the taxi company and should appear on the top of the cab receipt.
  3. Name of the cab driver: The name of the cab driver on the receipt is essential, in case of any problem, it is easy to find which driver provides this service.
  4. Contact details: The cab receipt must contain the contact details of the taxi company or cab driver. It should include the phone number, address, and web address if they have one. It provides excellent help for the passenger to find forgotten luggage in a taxi.
  5. Date and time: The date and time must be written by the cab driver when the passenger gets a ride.
  6. Pickup and destination place: The place where the cab driver picks up the passenger and the destination place where he drops him/her off should be included in it.
  7. Cab number: The number on the back of the cab placed on the number of plates is the cab number. The cab receipt should contain the cab number.
  8. Amount of fare: How much the fare paid by the passenger should appear on the cab receipt.
  9. Mileage: Travel distance from pickup point to destination in miles.

A taxi receipt works as a great helping tool for the cab driver to keep a record of the trip activities and is helpful for the passenger. You can download blank cab receipts and edit these printable templates as needed.

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Importance of Cab Receipt

The receipt is a way to communicate with your customers in an efficient way that shows the transfer of items or services in payments. Just like other receipts that you receive while you go shopping for any items or goods, a cab service receipt is received by the passenger when he gets a ride from one place to another. Below we share some points that show how the cab receipt is essential for cab drivers and passengers:

  • The cab receipt is a necessary document for the driver to keep a record of their activity throughout the day.
  • It works as a proof document in case of any issue related to that trip.
  • For passengers, it is very helpful to connect with the cab driver, in case of forgetting something in the cab.
  • It is used by the client to recall the cab by using the contact information to appear on the cab receipt.
  •  The cab receipt shows that the passenger has paid the fare.

How to write cab receipt 

You can download a free cab receipt from our collection, but if you want to draft your one, then you should see the sample cab receipt and understand it to write an effective cab receipt.

  • It is easy to work with ready-made templates, in just one click you can download cab receipts as you need, print them out and use them. You can make it with a simple sheet and paper and include the above things. To create a template on the computer, open Microsoft Word, and follow the steps given below.
  • Click on the blank document, and a blank document will appear on your screen.
  • Adjust the page size, and select text color, and size.
  • Make the header of your paper as you want, but the text size of the header should be a little bit bigger than the remaining.
  • State the information that you want to see on the cab receipt and include the essential components that we mentioned above.
  • Save this document then print it out.

What is a taxi receipt?

It is a document that the taxi driver gives to you as the passenger. This invoice serves as proof that you have paid the stated fare for the journey. As well as your name, contact numbers, and other basic information, the receipt also contains other details.

Can I get a receipt from a taxi?

If you need assistance requesting a duplicate receipt for your taxi ride, you can speak with the driver directly.

In your request, you must state:

  • Driver’s license number
  • Date and time
  • Pick-up and drop-off locations

Why do taxis prefer cash?

Cash payment ensures that drivers will always have money on hand to cover expenses like fuel, maintenance, and repairs. Although many card transactions can be completed instantly, some can take several days to complete, during which the driver must wait for the funds to transfer to their account. For each electronic transaction, they may additionally be charged a fee.

Can a taxicab driver use his cellular phone while transporting passengers?

No, a taxi driver is never allowed to use a cell phone while conversing with a passenger. If a quiet alarm is set off, the driver needs to stop in the middle of the road and pick up the phone when the monitoring station calls.

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